Meet our Pet!

5:50 AM

Nonay @ 8 months,
the black shihtzu!

Breed: Shih Tzu
Info: His name means little lion, but there’s nothing fierce about this dog breed. The Shih Tzu is a lover, not a hunter. Bred solely to be a companion, the Shih Tzu is an affectionate, happy, outgoing housedog who loves nothing more than to follow his people from room to room. In recent years, however, owners have started taking the Shih Tzu off their laps and into dog sports, training him for obedience, rally, and agility competitionsRead more at

Owning a dog is a responsibility. Pet dogs are like family members. They teach pet owners to be responsible enough to take good care of them and provide them with their needs. In short, owners are like parents.

Having a pet dog is not an easy task. You'll have to be patient with them growing up. You need to potty train them, provide them with regular vaccinations and be patient with their active lifestyle while they are growing up. Dog food is also an investment. One can roughly costs Php 75.00 to Php 100.00. And our Nonay is so meticulous and choosy when it comes to food. She doesn't eat the SM Bonus branded canned dog food which only costs Php 50.00. LOL.

Honestly, at first, I was not comfortable having a dog, their poop stress me out and sometimes, they are so hyper especially during the night. So I always end up with a bruise or scratch. But as a pet owner, one should also be responsible enough to take those anti-rabies shot or post-exposure prophylaxis. Your pet dog should also be vaccinated with anti rabies. Lets all be responsible pet owners.

But, as months pass by, I felt we have both adjusted with each other. And I love Nonay. I feel I'm already a parent, a dog's parent. :)


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